WordPress Quiz Maker Plugin

WordPress Quiz Maker Plugin Free Download v21.7.8 + Addons

Wp Plugin, WordPress

Today we have downloaded and shared the WordPress Quiz Maker Plugin Free with you guys. The files I have given you are neither cracked nor nulled, they are just 100% GPL and you guys can use these files on many websites..

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The WordPress Quiz Maker Plugin is an intuitive tool that allows users to create engaging quizzes easily on their websites. It features a user-friendly drag-and-drop builder, supporting multiple question types such as multiple choice, true/false, and fill-in-the-blank. With customizable designs, quizzes can match your site’s branding, while analytics provide insights into user performance.

You can set time limits to increase challenge, enable social sharing for results, and automate email notifications for users. This plugin is perfect for boosting engagement, generating leads, and enhancing educational experiences, making it a versatile addition for any WordPress site.

Features Of WordPress Quiz Maker Plugin 

  • Enable question bank → By Category
  • Show interval message
  • Send Mail To User → Send Results to User
  • Send Mail To User → Send Interval message to User
  • Use SMTP
  • MailChimp
  • Leaderboard for this Quiz
  • Text for right/wrong answers show → On passing the quiz
  • Show correct answers
  • Show question category
  • Information Form → After Quiz
  • Enable finish button
  • Enable restart button
  • Enable to go next by pressing Enter key
  • Enable next button
  • Enable previous button
  • Enable Timer → 5m.
  • Calculate the score → By correctness

Changelog Of WordPress Quiz Maker Plugin 

  • * Added: Strong calculation for Fill in the blank and Matching question types
  • * Added: Language/voice option for text-to-speech functionality
  • * Added: Question Title column in Report Question List Table
  • * Added: Unique Code, Keywords, and Results by Categories information to exported files (PDF, XLSX)
  • * Added: user_points_bar_chart message variable on the general settings page
  • * Added: The Tags column in the Simple XLSX file format
  • * Added: Quiz link to Quiz Orders Shortcode
  • * Added: detailed_result_column_chart message variable on the general settings page
  • * Added: avg_rate_stars_with_icons message variable on the general settings page
  • * Added: Message variables section for the Only for selected user role option
  • * Added: Enable No influence to score for new question option
  • * Added: Select with/without image filter on the questions list table
  • * Added: Quizzes total results count shortcode on the general settings page
  • * Added: user_corrects_count_pie_chart message variable on the general settings page
  • * Added: results_by_tags_bar_chart message variable on the general settings page
  • * Added: Question categories count shortcode on the general settings page
  • * Added: avg_res_by_cats_bar_chart message variable on the general settings page
  • * Added: user_pass_time_bar_chart message variable on the general settings page
  • * Added: Home page URL message variable on the general settings page
  • * Added: Enable Hide question text for new question on the general settings page
  • * Added: results_by_cats_bar_chart message variable on the general settings page
  • * Added: Show average rating functionality on the Reviews tab
  • * Added: Filters icon on the insert questions popup
  • * Added: Show quiz average rate shortcode on the General Settings Page
  • * Added: Strip slashes for answers for a new question option on the General Settings Page
  • * Added: Message variables section for the Limitation count of takers option
  • * Added: Current quiz author nickname message variable on the general settings page
  • * Added: score_bar_chart message variable on the general settings page
  • * Improved: Dashboard styles
  • * Improved: Default quiz styles
  • * Improved: Quiz Dashboard’s theme design
  • * Improved: Add a new button on the list tables page
  • * Improved: Deactivate popup style on the plugins page
  • * Improved: Copy shortcode text on the admin dashboard
  • * Improved: Some changes on the admin dashboard
  • * Improved: Top banner style on the admin dashboard
  • * Improved: All users can see the export button in the front-end if a certain field is empty
  • * Changed: The position of Mark Question Icon
  • * Changed: Settings tab options ordering on the admin dashboard
  • * Changed: Create post for quiz Options Value if Create post for quiz Option is enabled
  • * Updated: POT file
  • * Fixed: Datatable problem on the front-end
  • * Fixed: HTML elements problem on the front end
  • * Fixed: Some changes on the General Settings Page
  • * Fixed: Unpublished question problem on the front-end
  • * Fixed: Deleted question category problem on the front-end
  • * Fixed: Esc button and overlay problem on the admin dashboard
  • * Fixed: Empty Question count problem on the admin dashboard
  • * Fixed: Problem with See result button
  • * Fixed: The problem of the same user’s result being displayed in the exported PDF file
  • * Fixed: PHP problem on the front-end
  • * Fixed: CSS conflict with Colibri WP Theme
  • * Fixed: Same Google Sheets problem after the quiz duplicate
  • * Fixed: Matching question type results issue
  • * Fixed: Problem connected to the message variables
  • * Fixed: Problem connected to the matching type and 0 value
  • * Fixed: CSS conflict with Mesmerize theme
  • * Fixed: Fill in the blank question type CSS conflict with some themes
  • * Fixed: Matching question type issue connected to right/wrong answers message
  • * Fixed: Issue with the Text to Audio
  • * Fixed: Mozilla Browser and numeric values problem in custom fields
  • * Fixed: Matching question type issue with quiz timer
  • * Fixed: The issue of the Restart Button
  • * Fixed: Fill in the blank question type issue with input focusing option
  • * Fixed: Myer’s test results page style problem
  • * Fixed: Matching question type (not answered) issue on the results page
  • * Fixed: Question hint style issue with RTL direction option
  • * Fixed: Text-to-speech option issue while submitting or changing the question
  • * Fixed: The issue connected to backspace on the matching type’s dashboard
  • * Fixed: Matching question type result issue in detailed report
  • * Fixed: Front results page problem with checkbox type’s min selection option
  • * Fixed: JS error on matching type, connected to apostrophe on answers
  • * Fixed: Multiple possible correct answers display issue on detailed report
  • * Tested: Compatible up to 6.4.1
  • * Tested: Compatible up to PHP 8.2+

Complete Installation Guide Of WordPress Quiz Maker Plugin

  1. In the left sidebar, hover over Plugins.
  2. Click on Add New.
  3. Click the Upload Plugin button at the top.
  4. Click Choose File and select the ZIP file you downloaded.
  5. Click Install Now.
  6. Wait for the installation to complete.
  7. Once the installation is complete, click the Activate button.
  8. The Quiz Maker Pro plugin is now active on your site.

Demo Of WordPress Quiz Maker Plugin


WordPress Quiz Maker Plugin Free Download

I have provided this file only with a GPL license so that you can use it on your website and your client’s website without any problem this given file is neither cracked nor nulled, this is a GPL file, and this file is provided only by GPL providers and they have provided this file for downloading. Copy the Uploadcave or Mediafire link open it in a new tab and download WordPress Quiz Maker Plugin GPL file for free.

How To Download Files On Voneads

Below are the file download links. The first one is from Uploadcave, and the second one is from Mediafire. Watch How to download files from the “Voneads” video before downloading any files



Chatgpt Assistant v7.0.3



Quiz Maker Chatgpt v1.0.1



Quiz Maker Conditional Logic



Quiz Maker Add



Quiz Maker Extra Shortcodes v1.0.0



Quiz Maker Frontend Requests



Quiz Maker Frontend Statistics



Quiz Maker Gamipress Integration v1.0.1



Quiz Maker Summary Emails



Quiz Maker Track Users v1.0.0



Quiz Maker User Dashboard Addon



Quiz Maker Woocommerce



Please Note

Copyright Notices: This website is not sharing themes by cloning or cracking. We respect the GNU General Public License (GPL) and the hard work of the theme creator. On this website, we share that links are already stored elsewhere and are not a part of this website. Our website does not carry any responsibility for them. If our site has indexed your copyrighted material and you want this material to be removed, then contact us immediately. We will remove it in 48 hours. 

Thank You


Noob Vellen

Noob Vellen is a seasoned WordPress developer with more than 12 years of expertise in creating and customizing plugins and themes. Specializing in WordPress development, they are passionate about improving user experiences and helping businesses reach their online objectives. In addition to coding, Noob Vellen shares valuable insights and tips with the WordPress community. Let's create something unique together!

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VoneAds offers a wide selection of free, premium WordPress themes and plugins! They provide access to these resources under the GNU General Public License (GPL), ensuring their authenticity and security.