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Classiads Theme Free Download v6.1.6

Wp Plugin

Classiads Theme Free Download

Today we have downloaded and shared the Classiads Theme Free Download with you guys. The files I have given you are neither cracked nor nulled, they are just 100% GPL and you guys can use these files on many websites.

Classiads Theme is a popular WordPress theme designed specifically for classified and directory websites. It features a modern, responsive, and user-friendly design, making it easy for users to manage ad listings. Classiads includes advanced search filters, multiple payment gateways, and customizable layouts, allowing users to tailor their websites to specific business needs.

Why Choose Classiads Theme

Classiads Theme offers a range of benefits for anyone looking to create a professional classified or directory website. Its responsive design ensures a seamless experience across all devices, while the advanced search functionality allows users to find listings easily. Classiads also integrates with multiple payment gateways, making it convenient to monetize through paid listings.

The theme’s extensive customization options, including different layouts and design features, let you personalize the site to fit your brand. With dedicated support and regular updates, Classiads provides a solid foundation for a reliable, attractive, and functional online directory or classified platform.

Key features Of Classiads Theme 

Design & LayoutClean, modern design, fully responsive, unlimited colors, built with HTML5 & CSS3, customizable header and footer layouts, unlimited footer layout, 4 footer subscription form styles
Customization OptionsCustom fields, customizable header, toolbar options for social networks, login/register, listing button, contact info, custom menu, logo placement, WPML support, and header toolbar options
Search & FilteringAdvanced search, category/location search, radius-based search, GeoLocation, price search (range slider, exact value), custom fields for each search form, relevancy search compatible
IntegrationWooCommerce 3X, Visual Composer, MailChimp, Google Maps with custom styles, bbPress (forum), RTL support, Twitter integration, cross-browser support, SEO optimized
Listings ManagementClaim listing, bidding system, CSV import/export, badges, author verification, front-end/back-end ads posting, invoicing, email notifications, pay-per-post system
User DashboardFront-end user panel, customizable login pages, restrict backend access, private/public listings, term & condition option, user-provided data management
Pricing Plans4 plan styles, customizable options, WooCommerce payment gateway integration, set images, videos, locations, and categories per pricing plan, customizable typography
Map & LocationGoogle Maps, custom map markers, Twilio SMS service, map directions, address structure by drag-and-drop, location-based search
Content FieldsSelect box, checkbox, radio, textarea, text string, email, date-time, price, and file upload content field types, hide/show fields, drag-and-drop field ordering
Social & SharingSocial media login (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and more), listing sharing, print/download PDF, favorites, ratings, and reviews
Typography & Styling650+ Google Fonts, customizable grid/list view styles, custom skins, masonry layout option, page speed management, styling for each search form
WidgetsAbout, custom menu, social, recent post, popular, Flickr, video, image, map, search, and category widgets
Advanced FeaturesSEO optimized, translation support, child theme supported, page title management, Google Maps styles option, Redux Framework, Bootstrap 3 compatibility
Support & CompatibilityUnbranded advanced theme options panel, regular updates, latest WordPress compatibility

GPL Notice & Classiads Theme License

Classiads Theme is protected by a license key and can be used on up to unlimited blogs per purchase. The product is encrypted to ensure proper usage, so make sure you follow the licensing guidelines.

How To Download Files On Voneads

How To Download Files On Voneads

Below are the file download links. The first one is from Mega, and the second one is from Mediafire. Watch How to download files from the “Voneads” video before downloading any files

Before downloading the file, watch this video to learn How To Download Files On Voneads

file 1

Classiads Theme Demo and Classiads Theme Free Download

Demo – You can view the Classiads Theme Demo and experience the design for yourself before making your decision.

Download – If you’re interested in downloading the Classiads Theme, Copy the following link & complete the process & obtain the download link.

Change Logs

  • Multi Directory System
  • MapBox integration
  • Twilio sms service integration
  • Mobile OTP
  • New custom reset password form
  • New Grid Listing Styles
  • New List view style
  • New Sorting styles
  • Option to select a separate style for each listing section
  • Option to show directory based listing
  • Option to create a separate single listing page for each directory
  • Typography and styling option for listings
  • Each section have a masonry option
  • Each section has a featured tag option
  • Custom fields are now available in ultra style, fantro style, and zee style as well
  • Option to load more listings on scroll
  • Grid option expanded to 6 columns for certain styles.
  • Show listings based on locations, categories, radius, pricing plans, or content fields.
  • Related listing option on the single listing page


The Classiads Theme is a powerful and versatile choice for building professional classified and directory websites. With its clean design, advanced customization options, and extensive integration features, it allows users to create a unique and functional site tailored to their business needs.

Request Form

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Please Note

Copyright Notices: This website is not sharing themes by cloning or cracking. We respect the GNU General Public License (GPL) and the hard work of the theme creator. On this website, we share that links are already stored elsewhere and are not a part of this website. Our website does not carry any responsibility for them. If our site has indexed your copyrighted material and you want this material to be removed, then contact us immediately. We will remove it in 48 hours. 

Thank You


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Noob Vellen

Noob Vellen is a seasoned WordPress developer with more than 12 years of expertise in creating and customizing plugins and themes. Specializing in WordPress development, they are passionate about improving user experiences and helping businesses reach their online objectives. In addition to coding, Noob Vellen shares valuable insights and tips with the WordPress community. Let's create something unique together!

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